考虑到micolog自身因设计时候造成代码的冗余以及体积的庞大,自己就重造了一会轮子. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 上天原谅我吧.
访问http://www.fengsage.com 由于反向代理的关系,一般在5s-10s内打开
原http://fengsageblog.appspot.com 访问都会自动跳转到相应的http://i-studio.appspot.com页面上来
————————Exercise English—————————–
Take me two months, I reconstruct my blog on GoogleAppEngine.
Micolog is very good blog on GoogleAppEngine. everyone can download the srouce from http://code.google.com/p/micolog/
But i also have some reason give up it.
1. The blog develop very slow. the author long time update. i think the GWF is important reason that it also closed the connection when chinese person visted GAE.
2. The blog code not beautiful. ok, because author using python. me too. i like the code more simple and beautifule.
I take long time optimizing the connection spped when chinese person visited it.
if visted http://i-studio.appspot.com only need 2s
if vised http://www.fengsage.com may be need 5-10s
older person can connection the old url. all request will auto skip the new url http://i-studio.appspot.com
以后有机会,写博文都加一篇英文的~ 练习练习鸟语~